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Investing—it's not just statistics, it's chemistry

menubg Splash

(281) 468-1629



d-Orbital concentrates on providing the best daily timing signals for trading a variety of market sectors. While we strive to produce cutting-edge, analytical, rigorous, adaptive models, our ultimate goal is to provide the advisor with a total solution. We provide the necessary support and money management advice to fully implement our strategies, freeing your time to concentrate on what you do best.

Each model produces a signal that is intended to be applied to a specific market index. The signals are disseminated by email daily at 3:15 PM eastern time (45 minutes before the markets close to allow time for trading) and may be applied to various trading vehicles including futures, mutual funds, or Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). The signals are also available to subscribers on this website. They may be accessed by clicking the   Signals   button on the far right of the main menu. When the signals have been updated for the current day, the button will turn red. At midnight, it will assume its original color.

Client assets are always held in the client´s name at the respective mutual fund family, trust company or securities firm. d-Orbital is not a brokerage or custodial firm and never takes possession of the client´s funds. Rather, we reliy on nationally known firms that specialize in the types of active trading that we do.

The managers of d-Orbital may have funds in the same programs that they manage for their clients.

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